Toriality's Blog



June 4, 2024 at 5:40 PM


July 15, 2024 at 8:11 PM

Terms to know

  • Identity: Identity is the first step in the authentication and authorization process. To log into a protected resource (network, website, app), a user presents a claim of identity such as a username, which then must be verified by an authentication factor such as a password. Administrators create identities for subjects when they enroll those subjects into an access control system and register the subject's details.

  • Authorization: In the context of access control, authorization is the process of determining which resources an authenticated subject has access to and what rights and permissions they have.

Bob may have permission to read a file but not to write it.

Authorization is sometimes abbreviated as AuthZ.

  • OAuth: Open Authorization is an open standard protocol that enables a user to grant a third-party app, such as an online printing service, limited access to a resource the user owns, such as a file stored on teh user's Google Drive. An authorization token is passed between the two services, enabling the user to use one service without granting it unlimited access to resources in another, and without either services sharing the user's credentials among themselves.

  • Containers: Containerization is a method of virtualizing an app and all its necessary components so that it is encapsulated in its own environment.

  • Authentication: Is the process of verifying a subject is hwo they claim to be. It only verifies identity, it does not authorize a subject access to any resources.

A user enters their username, and they must also provide a valid authenticator factor such as a password

Sometimes abbreviated as AuthN

  • Least Privilege: The principle that users should only have access to what they need and nothing more.